- Auction will end JUL 10-2024, 10 PM (GMT+6)
- Bid occur in last 10 min, auction will add extra 10 min
- Starting Bid: (৳)3000 | Over Bid: (৳)500
- [CALL & BID]: +88 013 0170 1733 | +88 016 7103 7294
(For more details | Contact Auction Bangla)
+8801671977385 | +8801301701733
- Use [CUSTOM BID] option, if you are too busy & not able to track your auction time to time.
- Once you bid, make sure you check your email for [OVER BID] notification.
- Non-techie person? use [CALL & BID] option, just call the given no: and place your bid.
- Auction related question? Call directly to the AUCTIONEER for quick reply.
- Finally, Be sure to refresh or reload the page to view the most up-to-date information.
***Be a smart bidder and ‘Stand out in the Crowd’***
AVG. PER PIGEON SOLD: 4,500.00 (৳)
01-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-721887 H💥 ✨Half-Sister won 10th Bogra✨From Grd. Son Famous Hayabusa King✨Marcel Sangers & Magic Man & Inbred Kaasboer lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 4,000.00
ExpiredMD Nazmul Haque
01-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-721887 H💥 ✨Half-Sister won 10th Bogra✨From Grd. Son Famous Hayabusa King✨Marcel Sangers & Magic Man & Inbred Kaasboer lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 4,000.00
Total Bid[3 BID]
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if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
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/* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) {
/* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval);
if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2); /* 2 numbers after decimal point */ /*var currencyval = "৳ ";*/
/* bloginfo( 'charset' ); */
var currencyval = "৳ ";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
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var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Category: CA144 | 07-2024 | MINAZ RAZIB LOFT
02-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-721884 C💥 ✨Half-sister won 8th Coxbazar✨✨From Famous Jackpot & Euro✨Olympic Survivor lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 3,500.00
ExpiredTarek Azad
02-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-721884 C💥 ✨Half-sister won 8th Coxbazar✨✨From Famous Jackpot & Euro✨Olympic Survivor lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 3,500.00
Total Bid[2 BID]
$("#placebidbutton_direct6215").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "directbid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
$("#placebidbutton6215").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "custombid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
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var bidval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).val());
var minval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("min")); var maxval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("max"));
if(minval <= bidval){ confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid); } /* end of if - minval */ else{ alert("Please enter bid value greater than suggested bid"); return false; } } else{ alert("Please enter bid value"); return false; } } function placebid_ajax_process(formname){ if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6215"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton6215"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6215"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid_direct"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton_direct6215"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid_direct"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg_direct"; } var uwa_place_bid = $(id_h_Product).val(); var uwa_bid_value = $(id_Bid).val(); var uwa_url = "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"; $.ajax({ method : "post", /* don't use 'type' */ url : "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data : {action: "uwa_ajax_placed_bid", uwa_place_bid : uwa_place_bid, uwa_bid_value : uwa_bid_value }, beforeSend: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "inline"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "visible"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "0.7"); $("#placebidbutton6215").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6215").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, success: function(response) { var data = $.parseJSON( response ); if(typeof data.allmsg != "undefined"){ //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg).fadeIn(1000); $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg); } /* display fields data in detail page */ //if(data.allstatus == 1){ var auctionid = uwa_place_bid; var newprice = data.alldata_display.uwa_curent_bid; var newenterval = data.alldata_display.entervalue; var newreservetext = data.alldata_display.reservetext; var newmaxmintext = data.alldata_display.maxmintext; var newuwabidsalldata = data.alldata_display.uwa_bids_alldata; var newbidminval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_minval; var newbidmaxval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_maxval; var newtimerval = data.alldata_display.remaining_secs; var auctiontype = data.alldata_display.auction_type; if(typeof newprice != "undefined"){ $("p.price").html(newprice); /* + "--done"); */ } if(typeof newenterval != 'undefined'){ newenterval = newenterval + " )"; /* uwa_inc_latest_price or uwa_inc_price_ajax_492 */ $("small.uwa_inc_latest_price").html(newenterval); } if(typeof newreservetext != 'undefined'){ //strong.uwa_auction_reserve_price $("div.checkreserve").html(newreservetext); } if(typeof newmaxmintext != 'undefined'){ $("p.max-bid").html(newmaxmintext); } if(typeof newtimerval != 'undefined'){ //alert("inif --" + newtimerval); /* change value of data-time of timer */ /*$("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").data('time', newtimerval);*/ /* set new time value in div */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").attr( 'data-time', newtimerval); time1 = newtimerval; //alert(time1); //alert(typeof time1); $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown('destroy'); /* here we add new time for timer, check uwa-front.js for all options of timer */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown({until: $.WooUacountdown.UTCDate(-(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), new Date(time1*1000))}); } if(typeof newuwabidsalldata != 'undefined'){ /* uwa-front.js */ /*jQuery("#auction-history-table-" + key +" tbody > tr:first" ).before(value.wua_activity);*/
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/* note : change min value for both direct and custom bid **** */
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/* note : change max value for both direct and custom bid **** */
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/* -------- slider ---------- */
}, });
/* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) {
/* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval);
if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2); /* 2 numbers after decimal point */ /*var currencyval = "৳ ";*/
/* bloginfo( 'charset' ); */
var currencyval = "৳ ";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
if(formname == "custombid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to bid'; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to directly place this bid'; }
var confirm_message = confirm1 + ' ' + finalval + ' ?';
var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Category: CA144 | 07-2024 | MINAZ RAZIB LOFT
04-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-718576 C💥 ✨From direct Stefaan Lambrechts lines with Grd. Daughter Olympic Poot & Che✨Harry lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 4,500.00
ExpiredUmer Faruq
04-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-718576 C💥 ✨From direct Stefaan Lambrechts lines with Grd. Daughter Olympic Poot & Che✨Harry lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 4,500.00
Total Bid[4 BID]
$("#placebidbutton_direct6225").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "directbid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
$("#placebidbutton6225").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "custombid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
function bid_check(formname){
var id_Bid;
if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6225"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6225"; }
var bidval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).val());
var minval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("min")); var maxval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("max"));
if(minval <= bidval){ confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid); } /* end of if - minval */ else{ alert("Please enter bid value greater than suggested bid"); return false; } } else{ alert("Please enter bid value"); return false; } } function placebid_ajax_process(formname){ if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6225"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton6225"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6225"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid_direct"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton_direct6225"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid_direct"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg_direct"; } var uwa_place_bid = $(id_h_Product).val(); var uwa_bid_value = $(id_Bid).val(); var uwa_url = "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"; $.ajax({ method : "post", /* don't use 'type' */ url : "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data : {action: "uwa_ajax_placed_bid", uwa_place_bid : uwa_place_bid, uwa_bid_value : uwa_bid_value }, beforeSend: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "inline"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "visible"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "0.7"); $("#placebidbutton6225").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6225").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, success: function(response) { var data = $.parseJSON( response ); if(typeof data.allmsg != "undefined"){ //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg).fadeIn(1000); $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg); } /* display fields data in detail page */ //if(data.allstatus == 1){ var auctionid = uwa_place_bid; var newprice = data.alldata_display.uwa_curent_bid; var newenterval = data.alldata_display.entervalue; var newreservetext = data.alldata_display.reservetext; var newmaxmintext = data.alldata_display.maxmintext; var newuwabidsalldata = data.alldata_display.uwa_bids_alldata; var newbidminval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_minval; var newbidmaxval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_maxval; var newtimerval = data.alldata_display.remaining_secs; var auctiontype = data.alldata_display.auction_type; if(typeof newprice != "undefined"){ $("p.price").html(newprice); /* + "--done"); */ } if(typeof newenterval != 'undefined'){ newenterval = newenterval + " )"; /* uwa_inc_latest_price or uwa_inc_price_ajax_492 */ $("small.uwa_inc_latest_price").html(newenterval); } if(typeof newreservetext != 'undefined'){ //strong.uwa_auction_reserve_price $("div.checkreserve").html(newreservetext); } if(typeof newmaxmintext != 'undefined'){ $("p.max-bid").html(newmaxmintext); } if(typeof newtimerval != 'undefined'){ //alert("inif --" + newtimerval); /* change value of data-time of timer */ /*$("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").data('time', newtimerval);*/ /* set new time value in div */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").attr( 'data-time', newtimerval); time1 = newtimerval; //alert(time1); //alert(typeof time1); $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown('destroy'); /* here we add new time for timer, check uwa-front.js for all options of timer */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown({until: $.WooUacountdown.UTCDate(-(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), new Date(time1*1000))}); } if(typeof newuwabidsalldata != 'undefined'){ /* uwa-front.js */ /*jQuery("#auction-history-table-" + key +" tbody > tr:first" ).before(value.wua_activity);*/
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$("div.uwa_bids_history_data").html(newuwabidsalldata); /* + "--done");*/ }
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/* note : change min value for both direct and custom bid **** */
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if(typeof newbidmaxval != 'undefined'){
/* note : change max value for both direct and custom bid **** */
$("#uwa_bid_value6225").attr("max", newbidmaxval); $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6225").attr("max", newbidmaxval);
/* set default value for direct bid */ if(auctiontype == "reverse"){ $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6225").val(newbidmaxval); }
}, error: function(){},
complete: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "none"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "hidden"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "1"); $("#placebidbutton6225").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6225").removeAttr("disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').removeAttr("disabled");
/* -------- slider ---------- */
var custom_add = 100;
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$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); setTimeout(function(){ $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").fadeIn(2000); }, 1000);
/* -------- slider ---------- */
}, });
/* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) {
/* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval);
if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2); /* 2 numbers after decimal point */ /*var currencyval = "৳ ";*/
/* bloginfo( 'charset' ); */
var currencyval = "৳ ";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
if(formname == "custombid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to bid'; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to directly place this bid'; }
var confirm_message = confirm1 + ' ' + finalval + ' ?';
var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Category: CA144 | 07-2024 | MINAZ RAZIB LOFT
05-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN21-711017 H💥 ✨Half Sister winner 6th Banglabandha✨From Grd. Son Superman & Olympiade 003 lines & Grd. Daughter Mealy Kittel✨Dirk van den bulck✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 6,000.00
ExpiredNazrul Islam Nousad
05-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN21-711017 H💥 ✨Half Sister winner 6th Banglabandha✨From Grd. Son Superman & Olympiade 003 lines & Grd. Daughter Mealy Kittel✨Dirk van den bulck✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 6,000.00
Total Bid[7 BID]
$("#placebidbutton_direct6230").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "directbid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
$("#placebidbutton6230").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "custombid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
function bid_check(formname){
var id_Bid;
if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6230"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6230"; }
var bidval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).val());
var minval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("min")); var maxval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("max"));
if(minval <= bidval){ confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid); } /* end of if - minval */ else{ alert("Please enter bid value greater than suggested bid"); return false; } } else{ alert("Please enter bid value"); return false; } } function placebid_ajax_process(formname){ if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6230"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton6230"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6230"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid_direct"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton_direct6230"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid_direct"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg_direct"; } var uwa_place_bid = $(id_h_Product).val(); var uwa_bid_value = $(id_Bid).val(); var uwa_url = "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"; $.ajax({ method : "post", /* don't use 'type' */ url : "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data : {action: "uwa_ajax_placed_bid", uwa_place_bid : uwa_place_bid, uwa_bid_value : uwa_bid_value }, beforeSend: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "inline"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "visible"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "0.7"); $("#placebidbutton6230").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6230").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, success: function(response) { var data = $.parseJSON( response ); if(typeof data.allmsg != "undefined"){ //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg).fadeIn(1000); $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg); } /* display fields data in detail page */ //if(data.allstatus == 1){ var auctionid = uwa_place_bid; var newprice = data.alldata_display.uwa_curent_bid; var newenterval = data.alldata_display.entervalue; var newreservetext = data.alldata_display.reservetext; var newmaxmintext = data.alldata_display.maxmintext; var newuwabidsalldata = data.alldata_display.uwa_bids_alldata; var newbidminval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_minval; var newbidmaxval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_maxval; var newtimerval = data.alldata_display.remaining_secs; var auctiontype = data.alldata_display.auction_type; if(typeof newprice != "undefined"){ $("p.price").html(newprice); /* + "--done"); */ } if(typeof newenterval != 'undefined'){ newenterval = newenterval + " )"; /* uwa_inc_latest_price or uwa_inc_price_ajax_492 */ $("small.uwa_inc_latest_price").html(newenterval); } if(typeof newreservetext != 'undefined'){ //strong.uwa_auction_reserve_price $("div.checkreserve").html(newreservetext); } if(typeof newmaxmintext != 'undefined'){ $("p.max-bid").html(newmaxmintext); } if(typeof newtimerval != 'undefined'){ //alert("inif --" + newtimerval); /* change value of data-time of timer */ /*$("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").data('time', newtimerval);*/ /* set new time value in div */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").attr( 'data-time', newtimerval); time1 = newtimerval; //alert(time1); //alert(typeof time1); $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown('destroy'); /* here we add new time for timer, check uwa-front.js for all options of timer */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown({until: $.WooUacountdown.UTCDate(-(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), new Date(time1*1000))}); } if(typeof newuwabidsalldata != 'undefined'){ /* uwa-front.js */ /*jQuery("#auction-history-table-" + key +" tbody > tr:first" ).before(value.wua_activity);*/
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$("div.uwa_bids_history_data").html(newuwabidsalldata); /* + "--done");*/ }
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/* note : change min value for both direct and custom bid **** */
$("#uwa_bid_value6230").attr("min", newbidminval); $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6230").attr("min", newbidminval);
/* set default value for direct bid */ if(auctiontype == "normal"){ $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6230").val(newbidminval); } }
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/* note : change max value for both direct and custom bid **** */
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/* -------- slider ---------- */
}, });
/* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) {
/* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval);
if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2); /* 2 numbers after decimal point */ /*var currencyval = "৳ ";*/
/* bloginfo( 'charset' ); */
var currencyval = "৳ ";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
if(formname == "custombid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to bid'; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to directly place this bid'; }
var confirm_message = confirm1 + ' ' + finalval + ' ?';
var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Category: CA144 | 07-2024 | MINAZ RAZIB LOFT
06-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN21-707272 H💥 ✨From Brother Maestro✨Alwin petrie & Rossi Lines Eijerkamp & Stefaan Lambrechts lines with Famous Chipo & Olympiad 003 lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 6,000.00
ExpiredNazrul Islam Nousad
06-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN21-707272 H💥 ✨From Brother Maestro✨Alwin petrie & Rossi Lines Eijerkamp & Stefaan Lambrechts lines with Famous Chipo & Olympiad 003 lines✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 6,000.00
Total Bid[7 BID]
$("#placebidbutton_direct6235").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "directbid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
$("#placebidbutton6235").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "custombid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
function bid_check(formname){
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var bidval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).val());
var minval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("min")); var maxval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("max"));
if(minval <= bidval){ confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid); } /* end of if - minval */ else{ alert("Please enter bid value greater than suggested bid"); return false; } } else{ alert("Please enter bid value"); return false; } } function placebid_ajax_process(formname){ if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6235"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton6235"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6235"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid_direct"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton_direct6235"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid_direct"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg_direct"; } var uwa_place_bid = $(id_h_Product).val(); var uwa_bid_value = $(id_Bid).val(); var uwa_url = "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"; $.ajax({ method : "post", /* don't use 'type' */ url : "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data : {action: "uwa_ajax_placed_bid", uwa_place_bid : uwa_place_bid, uwa_bid_value : uwa_bid_value }, beforeSend: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "inline"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "visible"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "0.7"); $("#placebidbutton6235").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6235").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, success: function(response) { var data = $.parseJSON( response ); if(typeof data.allmsg != "undefined"){ //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg).fadeIn(1000); $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg); } /* display fields data in detail page */ //if(data.allstatus == 1){ var auctionid = uwa_place_bid; var newprice = data.alldata_display.uwa_curent_bid; var newenterval = data.alldata_display.entervalue; var newreservetext = data.alldata_display.reservetext; var newmaxmintext = data.alldata_display.maxmintext; var newuwabidsalldata = data.alldata_display.uwa_bids_alldata; var newbidminval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_minval; var newbidmaxval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_maxval; var newtimerval = data.alldata_display.remaining_secs; var auctiontype = data.alldata_display.auction_type; if(typeof newprice != "undefined"){ $("p.price").html(newprice); /* + "--done"); */ } if(typeof newenterval != 'undefined'){ newenterval = newenterval + " )"; /* uwa_inc_latest_price or uwa_inc_price_ajax_492 */ $("small.uwa_inc_latest_price").html(newenterval); } if(typeof newreservetext != 'undefined'){ //strong.uwa_auction_reserve_price $("div.checkreserve").html(newreservetext); } if(typeof newmaxmintext != 'undefined'){ $("p.max-bid").html(newmaxmintext); } if(typeof newtimerval != 'undefined'){ //alert("inif --" + newtimerval); /* change value of data-time of timer */ /*$("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").data('time', newtimerval);*/ /* set new time value in div */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").attr( 'data-time', newtimerval); time1 = newtimerval; //alert(time1); //alert(typeof time1); $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown('destroy'); /* here we add new time for timer, check uwa-front.js for all options of timer */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown({until: $.WooUacountdown.UTCDate(-(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), new Date(time1*1000))}); } if(typeof newuwabidsalldata != 'undefined'){ /* uwa-front.js */ /*jQuery("#auction-history-table-" + key +" tbody > tr:first" ).before(value.wua_activity);*/
/*($(".auction-history-table tbody > tr:first").before(newuwabidsalldata + "--done");*/
$("div.uwa_bids_history_data").html(newuwabidsalldata); /* + "--done");*/ }
if(typeof newbidminval != 'undefined'){
/* note : change min value for both direct and custom bid **** */
$("#uwa_bid_value6235").attr("min", newbidminval); $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6235").attr("min", newbidminval);
/* set default value for direct bid */ if(auctiontype == "normal"){ $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6235").val(newbidminval); } }
if(typeof newbidmaxval != 'undefined'){
/* note : change max value for both direct and custom bid **** */
$("#uwa_bid_value6235").attr("max", newbidmaxval); $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6235").attr("max", newbidmaxval);
/* set default value for direct bid */ if(auctiontype == "reverse"){ $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6235").val(newbidmaxval); }
}, error: function(){},
complete: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "none"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "hidden"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "1"); $("#placebidbutton6235").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6235").removeAttr("disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').removeAttr("disabled");
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/* -------- slider ---------- */
}, });
/* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) {
/* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval);
if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2); /* 2 numbers after decimal point */ /*var currencyval = "৳ ";*/
/* bloginfo( 'charset' ); */
var currencyval = "৳ ";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
if(formname == "custombid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to bid'; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to directly place this bid'; }
var confirm_message = confirm1 + ' ' + finalval + ' ?';
var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Category: CA144 | 07-2024 | MINAZ RAZIB LOFT
03-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-718587 C💥 ✨From Grd. Son First As Lightning✨Marcel Sangers & Daughter KBDB Winner & from Marlin Pair✨Les Green✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 3,000.00
ExpiredSN Loft
03-144 | 🇧🇩 BAN22-718587 C💥 ✨From Grd. Son First As Lightning✨Marcel Sangers & Daughter KBDB Winner & from Marlin Pair✨Les Green✨✨
Winning Bid: ৳ 3,000.00
Total Bid[1 BID]
$("#placebidbutton_direct6220").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "directbid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
$("#placebidbutton6220").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "custombid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
function bid_check(formname){
var id_Bid;
if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6220"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6220"; }
var bidval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).val());
var minval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("min")); var maxval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("max"));
if(minval <= bidval){ confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid); } /* end of if - minval */ else{ alert("Please enter bid value greater than suggested bid"); return false; } } else{ alert("Please enter bid value"); return false; } } function placebid_ajax_process(formname){ if(formname == "custombid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value6220"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton6220"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg"; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value_direct6220"; id_h_Product = "#uwa_place_bid_direct"; id_Bid_Button = "#placebidbutton_direct6220"; class_ajax_Span = ".ajax-loader-placebid_direct"; class_ajax_Img = ".loaderimg_direct"; } var uwa_place_bid = $(id_h_Product).val(); var uwa_bid_value = $(id_Bid).val(); var uwa_url = "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"; $.ajax({ method : "post", /* don't use 'type' */ url : "https://lets-bid.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data : {action: "uwa_ajax_placed_bid", uwa_place_bid : uwa_place_bid, uwa_bid_value : uwa_bid_value }, beforeSend: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "inline"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "visible"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "0.7"); $("#placebidbutton6220").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6220").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').attr("disabled", "disabled"); }, success: function(response) { var data = $.parseJSON( response ); if(typeof data.allmsg != "undefined"){ //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); //$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg).fadeIn(1000); $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").html(data.allmsg); } /* display fields data in detail page */ //if(data.allstatus == 1){ var auctionid = uwa_place_bid; var newprice = data.alldata_display.uwa_curent_bid; var newenterval = data.alldata_display.entervalue; var newreservetext = data.alldata_display.reservetext; var newmaxmintext = data.alldata_display.maxmintext; var newuwabidsalldata = data.alldata_display.uwa_bids_alldata; var newbidminval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_minval; var newbidmaxval = data.alldata_display.uwa_bid_maxval; var newtimerval = data.alldata_display.remaining_secs; var auctiontype = data.alldata_display.auction_type; if(typeof newprice != "undefined"){ $("p.price").html(newprice); /* + "--done"); */ } if(typeof newenterval != 'undefined'){ newenterval = newenterval + " )"; /* uwa_inc_latest_price or uwa_inc_price_ajax_492 */ $("small.uwa_inc_latest_price").html(newenterval); } if(typeof newreservetext != 'undefined'){ //strong.uwa_auction_reserve_price $("div.checkreserve").html(newreservetext); } if(typeof newmaxmintext != 'undefined'){ $("p.max-bid").html(newmaxmintext); } if(typeof newtimerval != 'undefined'){ //alert("inif --" + newtimerval); /* change value of data-time of timer */ /*$("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").data('time', newtimerval);*/ /* set new time value in div */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").attr( 'data-time', newtimerval); time1 = newtimerval; //alert(time1); //alert(typeof time1); $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown('destroy'); /* here we add new time for timer, check uwa-front.js for all options of timer */ $("div.uwa_auction_product_countdown").WooUacountdown({until: $.WooUacountdown.UTCDate(-(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), new Date(time1*1000))}); } if(typeof newuwabidsalldata != 'undefined'){ /* uwa-front.js */ /*jQuery("#auction-history-table-" + key +" tbody > tr:first" ).before(value.wua_activity);*/
/*($(".auction-history-table tbody > tr:first").before(newuwabidsalldata + "--done");*/
$("div.uwa_bids_history_data").html(newuwabidsalldata); /* + "--done");*/ }
if(typeof newbidminval != 'undefined'){
/* note : change min value for both direct and custom bid **** */
$("#uwa_bid_value6220").attr("min", newbidminval); $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6220").attr("min", newbidminval);
/* set default value for direct bid */ if(auctiontype == "normal"){ $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6220").val(newbidminval); } }
if(typeof newbidmaxval != 'undefined'){
/* note : change max value for both direct and custom bid **** */
$("#uwa_bid_value6220").attr("max", newbidmaxval); $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6220").attr("max", newbidmaxval);
/* set default value for direct bid */ if(auctiontype == "reverse"){ $("#uwa_bid_value_direct6220").val(newbidmaxval); }
}, error: function(){},
complete: function(){ $(class_ajax_Span).css("display", "none"); $(class_ajax_Img).css("visibility", "hidden"); $('.product-type-auction').css("opacity", "1"); $("#placebidbutton6220").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#placebidbutton_direct6220").removeAttr("disabled"); $('.single_add_to_cart_button').removeAttr("disabled");
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$(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").hide(); setTimeout(function(){ $(".woocommerce-notices-wrapper").fadeIn(2000); }, 1000);
/* -------- slider ---------- */
}, });
/* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) {
/* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval);
if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2); /* 2 numbers after decimal point */ /*var currencyval = "৳ ";*/
/* bloginfo( 'charset' ); */
var currencyval = "৳ ";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
if(formname == "custombid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to bid'; } else if(formname == "directbid"){ var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to directly place this bid'; }
var confirm_message = confirm1 + ' ' + finalval + ' ?';
var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Category: CA144 | 07-2024 | MINAZ RAZIB LOFT